Life is an article

"Life was good, back in the days". Ever thought about how the only remains of the past is how you remember it? Life is an article, my friend; it's up to you to make yesterday epic.

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Location: London, United Kingdom

I live life hard. I love intensity, high speed and passionate romance. I'm a crooner, writer, poet, actor, snowboarder, singer and dancer, who trusts too much and falls in love too easily. I'm also a total nerd who can spend three days in a row playing computer games.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

22 March 2009

Good that I decided to be happy about the closing performance yesterday night. It's over.

Thanks for letting me have such wonderful friends and family, who spend their time, money and love on me.
You're so good to me, you are.

Help me figure out how to spend my own time, money and love right.
It's messy right now.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

18 March 2009

Good that I folded my elbows back in. My friends don't deserve to be treated as competition. We'll all do better as a team.

for kick-starting the beginning of the end at this school. I'm gonna turn myself up another couple of notches before finishing here.

my voice to recover. It's completely cracked when I speak, but somehow my singing is unaffected. At least that makes me happy. Results!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

14 March 2009

Good that I (was told I) did a nice save, after toppling over in a dance during a lift in tonight's show. It's all a black out to me, though.

to my acting instincts, for keeping me focused all the way through tonight's performance. There were tears.

me get rid of this cold until tomorrow. My voice is keeping together amazingly, but I want to dance!