Life is an article

"Life was good, back in the days". Ever thought about how the only remains of the past is how you remember it? Life is an article, my friend; it's up to you to make yesterday epic.

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Location: London, United Kingdom

I live life hard. I love intensity, high speed and passionate romance. I'm a crooner, writer, poet, actor, snowboarder, singer and dancer, who trusts too much and falls in love too easily. I'm also a total nerd who can spend three days in a row playing computer games.

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Ponder me this

Shared joy may be doubled joy,
but shared madness is definitely halved madness.

Happy endings take a bunch of effort.

Friday, September 02, 2011

The fading life

He found her lying on the pier, cold and alone in the morning mist. B'Naan! He stopped in his tracked, shivered, then hurried to pick her up. Her yellow shell had gotten brown bruises in several spots and he knew that she wouldn't last long in there. He started to carefully and methodically strip her from her battered suit, and could see that the damage had not yet been collateral. He knew that this was not a moment to hesitate. There was only one thing he could do, to avoid further decomposition. He put her in his mouth.