Life is an article

"Life was good, back in the days". Ever thought about how the only remains of the past is how you remember it? Life is an article, my friend; it's up to you to make yesterday epic.

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Location: London, United Kingdom

I live life hard. I love intensity, high speed and passionate romance. I'm a crooner, writer, poet, actor, snowboarder, singer and dancer, who trusts too much and falls in love too easily. I'm also a total nerd who can spend three days in a row playing computer games.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


He was running naked through the dark corridor as he heard the echoing tapping sounds gain on him. He knew that if It caught up with him it wouldn’t hesitate to stab him in the back, so it was all he could do not to turn around and look. Even though he barely felt how tired he was, and that these last few hours almost had drained all his energy, he knew he couldn’t stop. The vague, pulsating red light around him seemed to encourage his heart to beat faster.

The sounds were now right behind him and he could feel the acid smell of Its poisonous glands. He knew he had to do something drastic and flung out his arm to tip over one of the small metal stands that stood along the corridor, to delay his pursuer. Strapped along the top of the stands were small bags of meat, looking almost like torn out stomachs. He had seen Them store things in those, but the thick meat prevented kept him from seeing what might be inside them. It fell over with a clank and a splashy thud, and as he heard the sliding sound fall another meter behind he lunged for the meaty package on the next stand in front of him. Please, just something to throw at the cursed thing! He had always been a superb thrower and even in this state his aim most likely wouldn’t fail him. Maybe he could even knock it out if he was lucky.. All I need is to break through that carapace…

He plunged his hand inside and found.. A dagger! Suddenly he didn’t feel naked at all. It was made of a shiny crystal and as he swiftly pulled it out he saw a quick glimpse of doubt in Its eyes. A second of doubt can mean a lifetime of regret! That was all he needed. He took one nimble step forward and leaped above the creature. A mid-air somersault and he landed behind it, once again unarmed. He knew the blade had found home, as the beast gave of a shrill shriek of agony. He quickly turned around and saw it collapse where It stood. Some minor twitches from one of the eight legs and the corridor fell silent, except for the howling wind that could be heard from the outside. He jerked the knife free from where it sat, deep into Its abdomen. One down, a colony to go.

As he stroked off the thick blood from the blade onto his arms and legs, he couldn’t help asking himself how he ended up like this. Alone, naked in a whining corridor, hunted by spiderwomen… If only they had made it in time before the gates closed. If they’re not dead, they’re still down there. He didn’t get more time to think. Somewhere ahead several warcries sounded as the smell of blood had attracted more of Them. He knew he had to free the others, or he wouldn’t stand a chance. One is never a problem, but starting at two… They weren’t exactly intelligent, but their hunting tactics were not to be underestimated. The sounds of footsteps started to echo again. There were three of them, and they were coming along the ceiling this time. Before they could see him, he darted into a sideways corridor, out of sight. The smell of blood should keep them off my track for a while. He pushed on.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this the whole story ??
tell what it the main Idia ?
you kept discribing the satuation of this man and the things around ..
please tell me more !!


16/1/07 5:24 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

det påminner mig så mycket om Underworld, heter den så? Historien om Drizzt. Tusan så bra är den i alla fall. Och ditt sätt att skriva är som alltid, superbt!!

4/5/07 7:47 pm  
Blogger HjAa said...

Well, this is the whole story. I had some ideas and wanted to try and write them down. Maybe it'll grow into something bigger; I'm itching to write a novel.

Jag har faktiskt inte läst om Drizzt, men det finns mycket info om honom på wikipedia.. Tack för motivationen =) Nu känner jag för att skriva mer!

9/5/07 11:20 am  

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