"Sorry guys, I'm not coming back with you, I've been promised some sex". Not a very expected comment when you have been hanging around with the filming team all night and everyone seem to be on the verge of falling asleep where they stand.
And of course those weren't the words Magnus Pedersen really used, because who is even mentioning sex, when it's for real? When walking by a café, you might overhear someone commenting their extraordinary experience last night, how they took this and that home and went all the way in a couple of minutes. So people talk about it in public, who cares? It's in the past! But then again, if it were the other way around, and they were actually about to go somewhere and get intimate, would they say it? Probably not. Pedersen gave the perfect example: "Sorry guys, I'm not coming back with you, I've been promised some

Let's say your younger sister - that you only see once every other month - comes over from Stockholm to stay with you for a week. You'll have the responsibility for her during this time - and hey, it'll be really nice but... You will get NO time over for your boyfriend. Your sister will know this, and when you leave her in the kitchen with a schizophrenic actor/waiter/student, to go and "sort some books" together with your boyfriend behind closed doors in the other room, she won't need a calculator to figure out what you're
really doing.
Or how about the time when the clock is growing closer to half two AM, and you're making your way past your house together with this really hot girl you've been dancing with the whole evening. You know what you want, and maybe you'll ask gently if she wants to "join in on a cup of tea, before going home"? It's all so very innocent. But it's a game.

Some people believe it to create some kind of excitement in denying what they're really after. This way they can pretend that they won't know if their partner is thinking the same way as they, until they stand there undressing each other. Others would just call them "hypocritical twats", who don't dare speak their real mind. Who are they kidding? "You won't drink one ruddy cup!" chuckles a hearty voice in the back of Hjalmar's head as he heads for his car.

The most hilarious, and at the same time the most tragic, thing is when they come back the next hour to say that they just had a really nice cup of tea or whatever, and that they just sat there discussing life and salad. Of course you did. You just chose not to use words. So after leaving her sister in the kitchen for an hour, in the company of this multiclass personality, she comes back with her boyfriend as if nothing has happened. The younger sister asks "Where were you?". Why does she ask that? To dare her to tell the truth? They both know that they both know. So does the lunatic and so does the boyfriend. And it turns out that the boyfriend is the first one to speak; "We sorted books".
"How about it, hot stuff, want to go sort some books? I got a really big book shelf. Yeah, the books just keep on coming. (Or is that spelled with two m's and a u? I never get it right) See, I've been sorting a lot of books and I know where to place them so.. You on? Great!" Go screw a dictionary.
There is no tea.
Labels: game, hints, lies, sex, synonyms, tea, truth
really strange
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