A town so small that the world around it gets even smaller (Drunk posting)
Warning! This particluar post contains rude language due to the state of mind I was in when I wrote it. If such things offend you, please just skip it. (See, I couldn't even spell particular)
He gets up at 06:30 on a Saturday morning, after a hard night of partying. It's now 08:07 and by hitching a ride from outside of the microscopical community of Staffanstorp to the inside of the microscopical.. Yeah.. Well, from Staffanstorp he takes the bus to Dalby and then to his home - the sprawling metropolis of Lund.
Here, the city still sleeps. The professionally stupid fuck Hjalmar Nordén is sitting by his computer and is taking some notes from the night before, but mostly from the morning after. This morning. "Turned out that the guy whose ride I managed to get into, is doing military services together with my sisters - recently made - ex-boyfriend" he says drowsily, getting up to get himself a cup of cocoa.
08:20. "All right, I'll tell you" Hjalmar Nordén says as he returns with a huge glass of steaming cocoa, putting on the Max Payne Soundtrack in the background. "It's really weird, how this little town - Lund - seems to grow smaller over time, although huge amounts are put into the building of new residental buildings. Even the minor communities outside of town seems small, all of a sudden". What he refers to is that the drunker you get, the more you tend to talk bucketloads of shit.
Taking a small sip of his cocoa, he goes on. "Then, once I hit Staffanstorp and say good bye to the nice guy who gave me a ride there - I never remember a name introduced to me when I have alcohol in my blood (unless it's a real hottie) - I sat myself down to wait for the bus to Lund". It soon turned out that he was waiting for the wrong one, since it wouldn't be leaving for another 50 minutes. Suddenly a childhood neighbour, Maria, from Lund turns up, looking really tired. "I hardly recognised her myself until I realised that it was her. I was babysat - can you say babysat? - by her older sister a couple of times and we never met much just the two of us". As it turned out, she had some good tips about getting to Lund and they ended up on the same bus. "She told me how my mother had been speaking so proudly about me - I was a bit touched at that - and wanted to know what I really was up to nowadays. I told her about my application to work at IKEA in Japan and how much of a turning point in my life that probably would be". Maria had been working all night and had some problems keeping her eyes open and her mouth shut (by this we refer to her way of yawning loudly as Hjalmar was speaking), "but we were in quite the same position and it didn't turn out to be a problem".
"I didn't know anyone at the party I was at yesterday except for the ones I came with" he says after being mildly burnt several times on his all-too-hot cocoa. "I guess it's because it was too far off from Lund. The question is" he says with a close to weary expression "When I tell a guy that I'm from Lund, and he mentions ONE girl's name that he knows from there, how come I know just that one girl?". Maybe a 100'000 people town is simply to small for you, Hjalmar Nordén. He drinks up, smiles vaguely, then clicks to publish another entry in his blog and falls into his bed.
He gets up at 06:30 on a Saturday morning, after a hard night of partying. It's now 08:07 and by hitching a ride from outside of the microscopical community of Staffanstorp to the inside of the microscopical.. Yeah.. Well, from Staffanstorp he takes the bus to Dalby and then to his home - the sprawling metropolis of Lund.
Here, the city still sleeps. The professionally stupid fuck Hjalmar Nordén is sitting by his computer and is taking some notes from the night before, but mostly from the morning after. This morning. "Turned out that the guy whose ride I managed to get into, is doing military services together with my sisters - recently made - ex-boyfriend" he says drowsily, getting up to get himself a cup of cocoa.
08:20. "All right, I'll tell you" Hjalmar Nordén says as he returns with a huge glass of steaming cocoa, putting on the Max Payne Soundtrack in the background. "It's really weird, how this little town - Lund - seems to grow smaller over time, although huge amounts are put into the building of new residental buildings. Even the minor communities outside of town seems small, all of a sudden". What he refers to is that the drunker you get, the more you tend to talk bucketloads of shit.
Taking a small sip of his cocoa, he goes on. "Then, once I hit Staffanstorp and say good bye to the nice guy who gave me a ride there - I never remember a name introduced to me when I have alcohol in my blood (unless it's a real hottie) - I sat myself down to wait for the bus to Lund". It soon turned out that he was waiting for the wrong one, since it wouldn't be leaving for another 50 minutes. Suddenly a childhood neighbour, Maria, from Lund turns up, looking really tired. "I hardly recognised her myself until I realised that it was her. I was babysat - can you say babysat? - by her older sister a couple of times and we never met much just the two of us". As it turned out, she had some good tips about getting to Lund and they ended up on the same bus. "She told me how my mother had been speaking so proudly about me - I was a bit touched at that - and wanted to know what I really was up to nowadays. I told her about my application to work at IKEA in Japan and how much of a turning point in my life that probably would be". Maria had been working all night and had some problems keeping her eyes open and her mouth shut (by this we refer to her way of yawning loudly as Hjalmar was speaking), "but we were in quite the same position and it didn't turn out to be a problem".
"I didn't know anyone at the party I was at yesterday except for the ones I came with" he says after being mildly burnt several times on his all-too-hot cocoa. "I guess it's because it was too far off from Lund. The question is" he says with a close to weary expression "When I tell a guy that I'm from Lund, and he mentions ONE girl's name that he knows from there, how come I know just that one girl?". Maybe a 100'000 people town is simply to small for you, Hjalmar Nordén. He drinks up, smiles vaguely, then clicks to publish another entry in his blog and falls into his bed.
Labels: alcohol, drunk, small-town
ehum man behöver inte ha bott i Lund länge för att bli fundersam över dess storlek. Efter 3 år där verkar alla cirklar gå ihop på ett eller annat sätt. Ställer man bara rätt frågor så är det väldigt få personer man träffar som man inte har några gemensamma bekanta eller iaf gemensamma beröringspunkter med.
Var det många som sökte till IKEA? Jag skulle lätt gjort det med om jag haft möjlighet att ta mig dit när det begav sig... Har du fått något besked ännu?
Vad bra du är på engelska förresten, en fröjd för ögat!
Oj så oartigt, missade att fylla i mitt namn ^^; Det är jag som är författare till ovanstående inlägg!
Oj, tack så mycket! Det var kul att höra! Jag är förvånad att du fick för dig att läsa min blogg, jag är ju inte i Japan =)
Det var nog några stycken som sökte till IKEA faktiskt. Det har ju varit ca 300 stycken allt som allt i hbg, gbg och sthlm. Jag och Mattiaz beräknar att 150 av dem har sökt, att 50 av de sökande är ivriga ichinenseis och att de resterande 100 är riktiga konkurrenter till oss. Med andra ord finns det stor chans att flera från lund kommer med! Du kanske kan söka ändå? Oliver skulle försöka fast han inte kommit på mötet..
haha jag har inget liv ^^; Blev nyfiken när jag såg att du också fanns här via Martins sida och när jag läst alla dina inlägg tänkte jag att det kunde vara artigt att höra av sig.
Jag var på IKEAs första informationsmöte som ivrig ichinensei 2003... haha
Det lät verkligen kul då men jag fick ett svårt slag av lättja kombinerad med dåligt självförtroende så jag skickade aldrig ens in min ansökan när det var dags för det --_--;
Kanske borde ge det en ordentlig chans ändå, nu då! Det vore verkligen ett drömjobb.
mmmm why do you speak like your someone eles is speaking about you ???!!
It is like your speaking about someone in your story !!
and your what your story is about ??
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