Seen yesterday evening was the rising star in film industry, Hjalmar Nordén, armwrestling his own director in a vain attempt to compensate for not being in control over the scene. While seemingly no damage was done, the vague scent of wounded pride could be noticed throughout the rest of the evening.
LIMHAMN In a back yard with a grand pool, a yapping dog and several beers and ciders, we find the team behind the famous "Leonardo - ett snillerikt spex" that were set up during the carnival of Lund some weeks ago. Surprisingly enough, there are only a handful of the crew assembled and less than half are actors. "I loved the spex, but seeing how the actors always make the most noise I'm glad that so many were missing today" says a grateful neighbour, who supposes that the rain earlier that evening might have been the reason why so few people were attending the small reunion of the team.

The relaxed atmosphere is broken quickly, however, when the seldom-quiet Hjalmar Nordén bustles out of the house and dives into the warm water of pool. The air is starting to get chilly and soon enough a crowd of shouting spex-girls joins him and they start splashing around so violently that the camera man has to take his distance. Behind the camera today is Claes Ek, the rising young director who is behind an upcoming movie into which several actors from the Leonardo-crew (Hjalmar Nordén, Sofia Oldbring, Ingrid Sandström) have been adopted.

Moments later the very same can be seen armwrestling his to be-movie stars. While putting up a good fight, but losing, with his right hand against Hjalmar Nordén's, Claes easily brings down Hjalmar's left one. "Since I am a 'lefty', it's no surprise, really" comments Claes as he with a satisfied expression faces his next challenger Lisa Hagman, director of the Leonardo spex, with a result not much different than the last one. However, Hjalmar refuses to give up and with several warcries manages to beat Claes even on his left arm. "It was interesting, hearing his shouting" says a sulky Claes, leaning back into his chair with a cider in his slightly reddened left hand, rubbing his chest with his other.

Hjalmar confesses that he has never been that much of a fighter, easily giving up and being over-sensitive to pain. "But this time I just knew that I could win, if I really really wanted to. I've had a hopelessly positive attitude as of late. I'm even watching old tragic films and hope for a happy ending, even though I'm aware that it couldn't turn out that way" he says. As an example he gives the moment where Gandalf holds the bridge in Moria against the Baelrog in
The fellowship of the Ring, one of his favourite movies. He admits with a smile that he has found himself thinking "maybe this time Gandalf will have time to avoid the whip and will manage not to fall into the darkness below". Being positive even though you know it's not going to end as you hope must be the most obvious the mark of a hopelessly wishful thinker. He takes a sip from his cider, then adds "Some call it being naive, I call it being me".
Well, at least we can hope that the rising star Hjalmar Norden will not forget his friends during his rising career..! But of course, that kind of modest person, could never do that!!
-->You are a fighter Hjalmar!<--
I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.
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